Growing Goodyear

Nobody Does Events Like Goodyear

Digital Communications Episode 27

It's event season in Goodyear! Get the inside scoop on what's new at this year's signature holiday events including new additions to the Fall Festival, Veterans Day event and Holidays on the Square. Plus, learn what it takes to turn Goodyear Civic Square into a holiday winter wonderland!


Coming up on this episode of Growing Goodyear.

Natalie Reinen:

There really is something magical about Goodyear Civic Square during the holidays. Every single night, I feel like I walk out and I'm in awe of all the lights and also just the people that are out. So if you wanted to come on a Tuesday night and have a picnic in the park under all the lights you can.

Host Jordan Byrd:

And welcome into the Growing Goodyear podcast, from the city of Goodyear I'm Jordan Byrd.

Host Tammy Vo:

And Hi everyone. I'm Tammy Vo.

Host Jordan Byrd:

And Tammy we are getting to that time of the year where it just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, right? It's holiday season.

Host Tammy Vo:

Well, makes you feel warm and fuzzy because it's still like over 100 degrees outside.

Host Jordan Byrd:

We're the only place that I think you can do Halloween trick or treating in bathing suits and swimsuits.

Host Tammy Vo:

You're right. You know, when I was a kid, I lived in Colorado for a few years, and we this is gonna be a story I'm gonna tell my kids someday. We trick or treated in the snow, and that is no joke.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Same here, and it was 40 miles uphill both ways. Oh, my god no. But handy though, it's worth it, yeah, and that's just, it's just such an exciting time, especially if you have little ones, or if you're a grandparent, or even if you're not just the holiday spirit coming to Goodyear. And that's what this entire episode is going to be about, looking ahead to not only holidays on the square around Christmas time in December, but also some of the other big signature events that are coming to our residents that we love as a city, putting on for them.

Host Tammy Vo:

So grab your pen, jot some of these down, throw them on the refrigerator so you don't forget, because you are not going to want to miss these.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Yeah, not only are we going to talk about these events, but we're also going to go a little bit behind the scenes with the company and the people responsible for turning Goodyear Civic Square into the winter wonderland it is every year. But before we get to that, let's now turn it over to Goodyear festival and events coordinator, Natalie Reinen. Natalie, thank you so much for joining us here on the Growing Goodyear podcast. How are you?

Natalie Reinen:

I'm doing great. How are you doing?

Host Jordan Byrd:

I'm doing great. Probably not as busy as you and the staff in Parks and Rec and arts and culture right now, because this is event season, right? We're, we're in the thick of it now.

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah, we have so much coming up. But, you know, we all are passionate about what we do. So when you love your job, it's not really a job.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Well, that's a great way of looking at it. Let's we'll work chronologically here with some of the big, marquee, signature events that you guys put on every year for our residents. Let's start first with the Fall Festival at Goodyear ballpark. This year it's going to be on October 26 from five to 9pm just explain to those maybe that haven't been to a Fall Festival before. What can they expect from a Goodyear Fall Festival?

Natalie Reinen:

Fall Festival is one of our most loved signature events here with the city. Fall Festival is all things Halloween. All things fun. We have lots of inflatables. We got face painting, arts and crafts, carved pumpkin contest.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Well, and I'm going to get to that in a little bit. But one of the things that I love the most about the Fall Festival is the haunted trail, because it seems like every year there's some tweaks and some changes that make it fresh, make it different, make it new. Each year. What's going on with the haunted trail for this year's fall festival?

Natalie Reinen:

Haunted trail is one of those ideas. This is gonna be our third year doing this open air haunted trail, and every year we have changed the theme and try to make it bigger and better. This year's theme is giving a headless horseman haunted castle vibes. So there'll be lots of spooks and scares. Don't worry, if you get a little scared, there will be an exit halfway through the trail, just in case you get a little bit too scared, I might be taking that. And even though your favorite thing is probably the haunted trail, I think a lot of people come out for the over of a quarter of a million pieces of candy that we give out on the field. So you are actually trick or treating on the ballpark field. We have over 14 booths, so you have the opportunity to collect a lot of candy, and that's before even Halloween starts.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Let's go back, because I think we overlooked that number. You said a quarter of a million pieces of candy, that's right, wow. And this is free to everyone, right?

Natalie Reinen:

Absolutely free. We will have bags on site as well. But if you have a favorite trick or treating pale, feel free to bring that. Let's

Host Jordan Byrd:

talk about the costume contest, because I know that's another popular feature of the Fall Festival. Go through a little bit of the particulars about maybe some of the changes, or just some of the information that people who are wanting to be a part of the costume contest this year, some of the things that they really need to know.

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah. So our costume parade starts at 6pm we have our lovely mayor and council that are the judges for that. So we have two rounds, the preliminary round and the finalist round. To participate in the finalist round, you do have to participate in the preliminary round that starts at 6pm we'll have different categories. So we have groups or families. Adults do. Children, and we have multiple prizes for the finalists as well. One thing that we heard last year based off of our survey is that we wanted a People's Choice Award, and so we brought that this year. So this year, you will be able to vote for your favorite costume of the night, and we will announce the winner during the award ceremony. Now

Host Jordan Byrd:

you said that you guys heard about the People's Choice Award, that this is something that residents have wanted. How did you know that residents wanted A People's Choice Award for the costume contest

Natalie Reinen:

at each of our events, we have event surveys available. So not only do we like to track how our residents and attendees like our events, but we also want to hear feedback. So there is a section at the bottom of the survey where you're able to leave feedback on what you would like to see for the years to come. And

Host Jordan Byrd:

that was one of the things that you guys were actually hearing from residents, is, hey, we want to we want to put the power back to the people. We want a People's Choice Award. That's right, and so we're making it happen this year well, and I think that's such a cool example of how you guys are actively listening to the community, and hey, we would like this at this event, or we would like a tweak on this. And I know a lot of times people may fill out those surveys, or any type of survey, and they think it may be falling on deaf ears, but in the case of this, this is an actual proactive step that you guys are taking based off of that resident survey.

Natalie Reinen:

That's right, we host these events for our residents. So we love to hear what they'd like to see. What

Host Jordan Byrd:

is going to be the hot costume, or what's going to be the most popular costume we're going to see out at Fall Festival this year? Do you think,

Natalie Reinen:

personally, I think we're going to see a lot of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders because of the Netflix special? Wow. Yeah. I even just looking at Spirit Halloween website, there was a lot of different versions of callous or Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. So I think that's going to be a popular one this year.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Let's go back to the pumpkin carving, because you initially touched on that a little bit. Natalie, what do people need to know about being a part of the pumpkin carving contest that's incorporated within Fall Festival? Yeah.

Natalie Reinen:

So this contest was the first year, was last year that we did it, and so this year, we are hoping that more people bring out a pumpkin. It needs to be pre carved or decorated or painted however you would like to express yourself, to decorate your pumpkin, but it needs to be completely done by the time you walk in through the gates for Fall Festival, you would check in at the home plate entrance. We'll have tables and registration cards there. We will put your pumpkin on display with a number, and once again, the people vote for their favorite pumpkin of the night, and they win an amazon gift card. Okay, so

Host Jordan Byrd:

that is the Fall Festival. October 26 five to 9pm at Goodyear ballpark. You Let's now move a couple of weeks down the road to Veterans Day, because this year, the good years Veterans Day event is going to be taking place on November 11, on Veterans Day, from five to 8pm but that kind of undersells it a little bit, right? Natalie, but just to say that this is taking place on November 11, this really is a week long celebration of our veterans in Goodyear. It

Natalie Reinen:

is. That's part of the reason why we call this a festival, because it's it's bigger than just that. Stay. We have a whole arts component to this event. We commissioned 10 muralists to do patriotic murals throughout the week, and they paint at Civic Square, so starting that Monday before, so that's November 4, you can come out and stroll the square and check out all the murals that are being painted. The completed murals will be displayed at the event. But not only that, that week before we open our flag garden. So residents, attendees, anybody that's here in the area, can come and get a flag, write a message on the flag and plant it in the flag garden. We will have those illuminated throughout the week leading up to the event, and then we also have some yard signs for anybody that would like to take home to support and appreciate a vet. There's

Host Jordan Byrd:

so much about this event that I love, and it really reflects back on the veterans themselves. And so for the event on November 11, there is a lot of special perks and just tokens of appreciation, if you will, for veterans who come and attend to this event, talk a little bit about what some of these veterans who come to the event can actually get

Natalie Reinen:

that's right at the event, you're able to register and check in to get 10 good year bucks to use at the food trucks. So that's one of the ways that we are able to recognize our veterans and give them a little something at the event. Also continuing this year, we started it last year we are doing the Submit a local hero. That link is live on our website, Goodyear easy dot events under vets day, you are able to submit a bio and a picture of a vet. It can be yourself. It could be a neighbor, a friend, a family member, somebody that is still with us, somebody that has passed. And we are collecting stories to create a slideshow presentation at the event so we can recognize those that live here in the West Valley when

Host Jordan Byrd:

you talk about. Goodyear, and you talk about the West Valley, one of the things that automatically comes up, I think, on a lot of people's brains, is Luke Air Force Base, and so to have that kind of appreciation, again, I keep using that word, but that's really what it feels like it keeps coming back to is showing those veterans, both active and former, that here in Goodyear, this is a place where we appreciate what you have done and the service that you have given our country.

Natalie Reinen:

That's right, and we wanted to provide a space and an event that not only they are able to come out and enjoy, but their families as well. That's why we have, you know, crafts for kids, and we try to bring music that everybody would enjoy. And so it has transitioned from what our former vets Day event has been, and now it's more of a celebration of appreciation for our veterans here,

Host Jordan Byrd:

let's talk about the music at that festival, because there's a couple of different musical acts, and they both fit very nicely in with the theme of a Veterans Day Festival.

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah. So opening our night, we have the kids from basis charter school here in Goodyear. They will be bringing about 40 kids to be doing a patriotic concert. We love involving the youth here and getting involved in our events, so it's great that they're able to come out and put together a whole concert for us. And then after that, we have the Ahwatukee foothills concert band coming out to do a patriotic concert. They'll have about 60 members out here doing their concert. And that's also a recommendation that we saw from the survey last year. We had about six or seven people that wanted to see them come and perform. They had performed in other places in the West Valley, and they wanted to see them here in Goodyear, so we were able to make that happen if

Host Jordan Byrd:

they're not at an event itself. Is there a way that residents can still recommend things for events, or does it need to necessarily happen at an event?

Natalie Reinen:

Not necessarily we have an events email so it's events at Goodyear,, people are able to email us recommendations for food trucks. They'd like to see live entertainment. They'd like to see if they're an entertainer themselves. They can submit a bio and some links, and we take a look at everything. So we have a lot of innovative minds here at Goodyear, but we love when Goodyear itself is innovative, and so we like to see all the ideas and not limit ourselves to what we got here.

Host Jordan Byrd:

And last, but certainly not least of the signature city events that are coming up here shortly in this holiday season. It's holidays on the square, and I know this is a big one for you guys, because it's multiple nights, it's multiple weeks, if you will take the ball and run about this year's holidays on the square.

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah. What isn't going on with holidays on the square? This has become a favorite for our team to execute and plan. The holidays on the square is the first three Fridays of December. And then also we have the rink, which is our artificial skating rink, coming back this year for those that have been to a holidays on the square before, we wanted to provide an opportunity to come out again and experience something completely different than they have in the past year. So December 6 is going to be our kickoff night. That will be our tree lighting night that first week's theme is rocking around the tree. We are partnering with Alice Cooper solid rock teen center to provide all the entertainment for the night. So our tree lighting will be at 6pm we have a huge countdown. We got Santa Claus on stage. I get everybody involved well, and

Host Jordan Byrd:

we're going to hear a little bit later on this podcast episode. But there sounds like there's maybe some improvements to this year's Christmas tree in the square as well, something that hasn't been seen before in Goodyear Civic Square.

Natalie Reinen:

That's right. I think the whole focal point of our holiday decor is a Christmas tree. So we have a huge upgrade in that as well for this year. So

Host Jordan Byrd:

December 6, it's rocking around the Christmas tree. You're going to have live music from Alice Cooper, solid rock. The rink will be opening that night. The Christmas tree will be lit. But that's not the only night when it comes to holidays on the square, right?

Natalie Reinen:

That's correct. We have two more nights. So December 13 is going to be Mary melodies, and that's because we are bringing Arizona dueling pianos on that night. So they'll be doing a holiday performance, which we're really excited about. We haven't had them come out for any event, so be really nice. And then that third week, we are partnering with a local theater kappa to put on a live production of elf the musical. So that week's theme is elf extravaganza. We'll have Buddy the Elf here. And so for those that enjoy live theater, we have something for them as well. Let's

Host Jordan Byrd:

talk about the rink, because I know that is one of the more popular attractions when it comes to holidays on the square. The rink will be open every night of holidays on the square those three Fridays, but it will also be open on nights where there isn't necessarily a pre planned a. Event going on in the square, right?

Natalie Reinen:

That's right. So the rink will be open from five to nine on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays in December. If you want to come during holidays on the square, you're more than welcome to come and skate on the rink, but you also have opportunities on Saturdays and Sundays as well.

Host Jordan Byrd:

And I think what's so cool about holidays on the square is, even if it's not an event going on, it's still the weather's gorgeous that time of year. You can come down to the park on a Tuesday and just walk around. There's selfie spots, you know, you can get some great family photos. And then when Santa does make it in, you can get the pictures with Santa as well. It really is from when it begins to ends. I mean, we're talking about a month plus here or so, that is the spot to be to get in that holiday spirit, even if there isn't one of those events taking place.

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah, there really is something magical about Goodyear Civic Square during the holidays. Every single night, I feel like I walk out and I'm in awe of all the lights, and also just the people that are out. So like you said, if you wanted to come on a Tuesday night and have a picnic in the park under all the lights you can, we added more selfie spots this year. That was a huge thing that we saw a lot of people taking advantage of last year. So we have more selfie spots this year. And of

Host Jordan Byrd:

course, because it's the holidays. Some of us, like me, is still doing last minute shopping. I mean, probably up until december 24 but this year, at the holidays on the square, there's now going to be markets on those three Fridays where there's vendors. So you can kind of check off a couple of things off your to do list. You can come out, get pictures with Santa. You can see a great event. And you can also take care of some of your holiday shopping as well. That's

Natalie Reinen:

right, for the past two years that we had holidays on the square, we've had a Holiday Market on one of the three nights. They were so popular, and that's something that we once again saw in the surveys, that people love the holiday markets that we're bringing it for all three nights this year. So we'll have about 30 vendors each night, and a different vendor each night as well. So if you find one that you like on the website, we'll have all the vendors listed come out that night. You have a one that you want to come out for the second night, something completely different. One sells an ornament. One sells a different type of ornament, you know. So there's something fresh and new to get everybody checked off your list for the holidays.

Host Jordan Byrd:

When do you guys start preparing for holidays on the square, considering just how many different components and different nights and different themes are all incorporated in this one event,

Natalie Reinen:

we really do start planning a year in advance, putting together themes and vendors and thinking about Christmas decor, it has to start that early. We have so many other events that are also we're thinking a year in advance, so we start early to make sure every experience is one that's worthy for our residents. One of

Host Jordan Byrd:

the things that is so awesome about the Fall Festival, in all honesty, a lot of the events that you guys put on is that it really is for everyone, whether that's any age, or if they have some sort of mobility issue getting around, or even for kids on the spectrum, especially with Halloween, that can be kind of a touchy holiday when you have all of these lights and noises. And that is something that you guys have actually taken into consideration for for the Fall Festival.

Natalie Reinen:

New this year we will have sensory bags available at the Guest Services booth near the home plate entrance. So we'll have an adult pair and a youth pair of noise reduction headphones and some sensory toys that you're able to check out during the event. Also this year we are participating in the teal pumpkin project. So we will have some booths on the field that won't be handing out candy, but instead lots of fun toys for those that have allergies or sensitivities to candy, they're still able to participate in all the fun.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Well, Natalie, it certainly seems like you and your team have your hands full right now, and we just appreciate the work that you guys do on putting on these first rate, first class events for our residents, for anyone listening to this that may have missed something or really, we've kind of just scratched the surface on a lot of these festivals. If they want to learn more, where can people go to do that?

Natalie Reinen:

Yeah, to learn more about all of our fall and winter events, and also anything upcoming for next year as well. They're able to look at our website, Goodyear, we have our entire lineup as well as the more event details for each event. Or they can follow us on social media as well. Goodyear Parks and Rec

Host Jordan Byrd:

try to get some sleep between now and January 1. Okay,

Natalie Reinen:

that's what january 1 is for that's when I can well, actually, really the summer is when I hibernate and then I come back for the fall through the springs.

Host Jordan Byrd:

So as you can hear, there are a ton of events for our residents to get excited about coming in the next few months, but the Fall Festival, the Veterans Day event and holidays on the square aren't the only things. That you have to look forward to coming up.

Host Tammy Vo:

Don't forget about Goodyear rocks. That's happening October 19, from five to 8pm at the Goodyear rec campus rock out to three local emerging bands right here in Goodyear the sixth annual Goodyear rocks features acts for any kind of music, really, any fan, including genres such as rock and roll, folk rock, Americana and pop rock, indulge in some tasty food from the food trucks that will be stationed there on site, while also enjoying a live art demo and some fun giveaways. Then

Host Jordan Byrd:

on November 2, join us for Chalk Art in the Park from 9am to 2pm at the Goodyear rec campus, watch the sidewalks come to life as community members and professional artists turn the GRC into a chalk art canvas. Get creative at the t shirt coloring station. Groove to the beats of a live DJ and soak up the lively atmosphere with family and friends and

Host Tammy Vo:

if you want to get active for a really great cause and a fun event. Attend the West Valley Heart Walk, taking place in Goodyear on November 16, 9am at Goodyear Civic Square. In partnership with abrazo health and the American Heart Association, join us for this fun community event that helps raise money for research and education and heart health. There is a one mile and three mile course, and their registration is free. That's great. Participants can start a team. They can join a team or join as individuals. And there will be plenty of activities like live music, information boosts and giveaways, and

Host Jordan Byrd:

last but not least, don't forget about the holiday pop up market. November 23 from five to 9pm at Goodyear Civic Square shop a diverse selection of vendors selling fresh, locally sourced food and handcrafted goods. Enjoy live entertainment and food trucks as you shop. It's the perfect destination for all of your holiday gift giving needs. For anyone who has visited Goodyear Civic Square during the holidays, you know what a beautiful and festive place it can be with all of the lights and decorations and the giant selfie spot locations that are just perfect for putting everyone in that holiday Christmas spirit. But a lot of work goes into creating that and turning Goodyear Civic Square into the winter wonderland. It is during December. So with more on what actually goes into creating that space in Goodyear Civic Square and turning it into that holiday festivities, we are now being joined by Aaron Farley, the co owner and CEO of Christmas light decorators, and their creative manager, Andrea wells Aaron and Andrea. Thank you so much for joining us here on the growing Goodyear podcast.

Aaron Farrelly:

Thanks for having us. We are so excited to have this conversation. I just

Host Jordan Byrd:

kind of wanted to start off at the top, just roughly what kind of numbers are we dealing with when it comes to decorating for holidays on the squaring Goodyear like, how many lights, how many ornaments? Kind of just give me some numbers right out of the gate of what it takes to decorate Goodyear Civic Square.

Aaron Farrelly:

Short answer is, it takes a lot, which you've kind of implied in your question, and kind of working through some of the numbers that may be mind boggling to your listeners, Garland, just as one example, we install over 1000 linear feet of decorated garland throughout the property, 1000 that's three zeros. In addition to that, over 1000 strands of lights, and each strand has anywhere from 50 to 100 individual lights on it. So you can do the math to figure out it's a lot of lights. There's a 30 foot tree that's got even more lights on it, not counted in the original and their RGB lights this year, which we'll talk about a little bit later, tons of bows and other large miscellaneous props that aren't so impressive with quantity, but they're very impressive with size. Talking

Host Jordan Byrd:

about those numbers, how long does it take for you guys to decorate for holidays on the square not only just the actual installation, if you will, but how far out are you guys planning, and you know, all everything that goes into that,

Aaron Farrelly:

it's over 650 on site man hours to do the actual execution of this. But when you take everything else into it. It's closer to 1000 hours to make this happen. It's a multi year process. So plus, you know, our creative team, they're dreaming about this stuff. They're on road trips, thinking about and the ideas come when they come. So it's, it's, it's a lot of hours, a lot of time and care that gets put

Host Jordan Byrd:

into it. So let's talk about that creative aspect of it. Because, you know, this is something that is now a yearly tradition here in Goodyear, ever since Goodyear Civic Square was first constructed a couple years back, and now it's become a mainstay. It's something that our residents really look forward to every year. So Andrea, for your perspective, as the creative manager, how would you. Describe the design style of Civic Square when it comes to holidays on the square, well, I coined

Andrea Wells:

it traditional with touches of whimsy. We like to speak to the kid and everyone, whether they're older or younger, so we try to really lean and embrace that. We started planning the vision for Goodyear when you were building went to many construction sites there to walk through and think through how it all was going to lay out. We've just slowly built on it from year to year, which is something we at ClD love to do. We like to have those pieces that people expect every year to come back and maybe get their photo of their child when they're young and as they grow from year to year, but then really add some excitement and something new building on it every year. Beyond that, so

Host Jordan Byrd:

is the overall theme or design? Does it change from year to year? Or, as you're kind of saying, is it more of adding on to already existing elements?

Andrea Wells:

With Goodyear, we've really added on from year to year. This year, we are really going to lean more into the candy theme. I can give you that little hint.

Host Jordan Byrd:

I like it a nice little tease. Yeah, yes, we've

Andrea Wells:

got, we're adding to the candy canes that have been there with a little bit more candy. We've got another walk in large prop. So there'll be a couple places to go see for

Host Jordan Byrd:

my memory. In years past, there has been a very decorative, lighted Christmas ornament that people can walk through. It's a great selfie photo spot as well. Is that what you're talking about with another walk through element?

Andrea Wells:

Yes, that's something we call a feature item. So big piece that year to year, people like to come back maybe, and see we try to keep exclusivity. We want to keep Goodyear unique and all on their own as a destination.

Aaron Farrelly:

To her point, the new feature item that is coming in that you can walk inside of, interact with, that touches this candy theme will be the only one in the state. So

Host Jordan Byrd:

now my mind is wandering. It's candy themed. It's giant it's something I can walk through are those the hints of what's to come for the holidays here in Goodyear,

Andrea Wells:

that would be the hint. I will say, if you're taller stature, you might have dip your head down. Oh, man,

Host Jordan Byrd:

it's large, but

Andrea Wells:

it's going to be fun. The

Host Jordan Byrd:

plot thickens, just these clues and teases. I love it. I can't wait to see what it actually is. Now, I know this might be difficult for both of you guys, since you guys are so integral into the design and bringing this to Goodyear Civic Square. But if you had to pick just one of the pieces of decoration that you guys adorn Civic Square with for holidays on the square, what would you say is your guys's favorite?

Andrea Wells:

That's like asking to pick my favorite child, because it all works so well together. It's hard to isolate one, but I will maybe agree with what I've dropped seeds and hints at. It'll be the Zenzi is its name. It's got some gumdrops on it, which is new and fun for

Aaron Farrelly:

me. Goodyear has that beautiful sign, kind of, on the east side of the lawn that you know their name is featured. It has beautiful up lights on, and it has the palm trees surrounding it. We light those palm trees all the way up into the fronds, which is where the biggest thorns are on a palm tree. If

Host Jordan Byrd:

you weren't aware, no, I was not. No, it's been a while since I've been up to the top of a palm tree. Yeah.

Aaron Farrelly:

Well, let me tell you, it's fun to put Christmas lights on those, but the palm trees fully illuminated into the fronds, is pretty breathtaking. And then there's these beautiful, large snowflakes that are down at the bottom, flanking that Goodyear sign. And that photo is actually featured here in our lobby, because it's such an iconic picture. You have the city hall in the background, and it's fantastic. It's very

Host Jordan Byrd:

picturesque, no doubt about that. Now we've already touched on a few things that may be new coming to holidays on the square this year. But is there anything that might be new for residents or people visiting for holidays on the square this year that they haven't seen in years past? Yeah,

Andrea Wells:

we've got an exciting new tree. You've got an RGB tree coming this year.

Host Jordan Byrd:

No, excuse me, what is an RGB?

Andrea Wells:

Well, I'm glad to ask the RGB stands for red, green, blue, and it's color change. So it's an automated tree, fully

Aaron Farrelly:

animated tree, that will actually dance and be synchronized to music. So

Host Jordan Byrd:

the Christmas tree that's just right there off the stage a little bit in the amphitheater in the park where Santa takes the pictures and everyone comes and meets Santa. You're saying now that that's going to be animated and it can kind of be synced up to music and whatnot,

Aaron Farrelly:

yes. So every single bulb on that tree is programmable and can turn, like over a million different shades of color. So we have a full time programmer and animation specialist who will actually go through and two certain songs make that tree react to each beat of the song.

Host Jordan Byrd:

Man, it's come a long way Christmas lights, right? I mean, I just remember having to make sure I have enough outlets to plug everything in and extension cords. Now you're talking about each individual bulb. Programmable. I mean, it's got to be crazy for you guys working in this profession to see the advances that have come along with Christmas and holiday decorations. It is.

Aaron Farrelly:

I've been doing this for over 15 years, and when I first started in this industry, you were still almost exclusively using incandescent bulbs, if you can believe it. And then came along led, which is still widely used, and then RGB came into the picture and just completely transformed things. And it keeps getting cooler and cooler and cooler every year.

Host Jordan Byrd:

So you guys will be setting up Goodyear Civic Square here in a little bit for holidays on the square when residents and other people visit the West Valley, visit Goodyear, and take in the hard work that you guys did of decorating that square for the holidays. What is your hope that people take away from seeing your guys's decorations in Goodyear? Well,

Andrea Wells:

our mission here at ClD is to provide Wow experiences. Our hope is that they walk into that square and their mouth opens and they go, Wow, like this just happened, and that gives me goosebumps right now, even just saying that that is really what we strive for and love to see happen. For

Host Jordan Byrd:

me, it's about making memories, right? I mean, as a child where I grew up, I remember every year going and visiting certain light displays, and here I am decades now older. I still remember that that still has an impact. That became a memory for me. And so for what you guys are doing, for the residents here in Goodyear and the rest of the West Valley, and the work that you guys do all around the place, that's another aspect you guys are making memories in these people's lives every time they come out and see your work,

Aaron Farrelly:

for sure, and it's the internet and social media. I've gone through the math in my head, and there's 10s of millions plus people that see our work every year, and that's really amazing to consider as a company, that we're having that impact, even

Host Jordan Byrd:

though you guys are such an integral part of what Goodyear Civic Square looks like during the holidays, that's not where your work ends when it comes to making Goodyear as beautiful as it can be, right?

Aaron Farrelly:

It's not, in fact, this year we're, we're bringing a brand new product into Goodyear. They'll be the first in the state to have this product. And it's, it's a color changing bulb that not only has all the RGB technology, but it has the ability to be warm white, which is kind of been a feature that's been missing from the RGB world for since its inception, really. So we'll have palm trees lit, and we'll have other trees lit along your sidewalk with lights that can change any color year round, and that way the city can control and say, Hey, we're gonna make it red for Valentine's Day, or green for St Patrick's Day, or whatever, you know, they can dream up or think up to have more events in the space.

Host Jordan Byrd:

That's awesome. And so that's going to be a permanent feature of Civic Square moving forward. That is correct, that's exciting. So not only will your guys's handiwork be able to be on display during the holiday seasons, but forever and always here in civic square that is awesome. That is so cool to hear well, Aaron and Andrea, thank you guys so much for taking the time. I know this is becoming the busy part of your guys's calendar. So thank you for taking a moment and joining us here on the growing Goodyear podcast. Thank you for your hard work and transforming our civic square into the winter wonderland it looks like every year, and this has been such a fun time. Thank you guys so much. Appreciate the time and the opportunity to chat, well, talking to Aaron and Andrea, it just really is starting to feel real now that the holidays are here, even though we're so scorching hot outside right now. But just to think about being able to go to Civic Square Park on any day during the holiday season, when it's lit up with those gorgeous lights, and you have those awesome selfie opportunities. I'm excited, Tammy. I can't wait for it to happen again for this season. And I

Host Tammy Vo:

think if you've gone to some of these events in the past couple years that gsQ has been open, what's exciting to me is that now that each year that you go, each holiday season that you go, it's going to look a little bit different. The game is being upped every year with not only just more features as we hear more lights, all that kind of eye candy during the holiday season, but think about all the other things you can do now Jordan in GS Q, aside from just the holiday events too. Like you know, if you're half your family wants to go to the event, the other half maybe wants to pop over to distillery or copper and sage or some of the other restaurants that are coming, you can do both. And that truly was the vision for our downtown well,

Host Jordan Byrd:

and it's not just downtown that's what's so cool about the events that Goodyear puts on. The Goodyear rec campus is the place to be as well when it comes to events, because there are so many coming. And as Natalie mentioned, you know, you have rock music, you have theater performances, you have Santa Claus I mean, it really is just non stop coming up here in the next couple of months. And the other thing really that I just take away from this episode Tammy, is the fact of Parks and Rec, our arts and culture department having that survey where residents can actually chime in and say. Say I would like to see this at a future event, and they listen, and they are proactive about bringing these things that our residents want to them for events.

Host Tammy Vo:

Our residents are just a super engaged bunch, and we always want to hear what our residents have to say. So a couple places I just want to mention to our listeners, places where you can be sure to be in the loop on what's happening in terms of events. Of course, the city's social media pages were always posting there when something interesting is coming up. You can find all the details, but also on the city's website at Goodyear,

Host Jordan Byrd:

Well, it's always a great time to be in Goodyear, but it's especially true during event and holiday season. So for tamivo. I'm Jordan bird. Thank you for joining us here on the growing Goodyear podcast, and remember it's a great time to be in Goodyear. That concludes this episode of Growing Goodyear. Make sure to leave us a review and subscribe on your favorite streaming or podcast player app. If you have any questions or comments, email us at communications at Goodyear and don't forget to follow us on the city of Goodyear's social media pages. You.