Growing Goodyear

Business Development in Goodyear

Digital Communications Season 1 Episode 3

Listen to find out how residents can help land the next business or restaurant in Goodyear from Vice Mayor Brannon Hampton. Plus, hear what it is about Goodyear that attracted Shooter's World to open their newest location from their owner and CFO Lisa Roux! 


Welcome to Growing Goodyear, a podcast that provides in depth conversations with the movers and shakers in the ninth fastest growing city in the nation. Located just 20 minutes west of downtown Phoenix, people and businesses are flocking to Goodyear, Arizona. It's a great place to live, work and play. And despite its rapid growth, it still feels like everyone's hometown. Simply put, it's a great time to be in Goodyear, Arizona. Now here's the host of Growing Goodyear, Digital Communications Director Tammy Vo.

Host Tammy Vo:

Welcome to Growing Goodyear. In this episode, we'll talk to Vice Mayor Brannon Hampton, about what makes Goodyear so attractive to businesses, and how specifically residents can help land that next must have store or restaurant. Plus, we'll take a look at how the enthusiasm of residents caught the attention of one popular Valley company and how those residents are still showing the love now that Shooter's World has opened in Goodyear. But first it's time for our Fast Five with Vice Mayor Hampton. First question, what was your first job?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I used to mow yards for a lot of people in my community. So I made little flyers, put them on doors and mowed a lot of my neighbor's yards. Pushed my lawn more around the neighborhood and and did that.

Host Tammy Vo:

Do you remember how much they paid you?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I did $10 for front and back.

Host Tammy Vo:

That's a deal. Second question. We know you like to work out so lifting or running?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I think both I think you'd have both to be well rounded. So I think both is important. I think lifting gets you the strength. But I think running keeps you lean and keeps you healthy as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

That's a good question. I would say put more money into your retirement accounts.

Host Tammy Vo:

I'm not sure I know a teenager, a teenager who does any of that, hopefully will give them some tips.

Vice Mayor Hampton:


Host Tammy Vo:

What's one item you never leave home without?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I'd say probably my cell phone.

Host Tammy Vo:


Vice Mayor Hampton:


Host Tammy Vo:

Best thing about being the vice mayor of Goodyear?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

it's a great time to be in Goodyear. I'm always humbled and excited to be a part of Goodyear, of the community and being part of the council is a privilege. And it's very humbling to help the community that I grew up in.

Host Tammy Vo:

And that's a perfect transition to what we're talking about today, which is Goodyear, loving the city and for our residents, I think if there's one thing that they are truly passionate about, it's what's coming to Goodyear. What's new in the city? And how do we get businesses that we love and want here in the city. So let's talk about that. I think people sometimes think that the city has kind of in control of this process. A restaurant, a store, entertainment venue, tell me more about how that actually works.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, so we zone different areas and we hope and dream for great businesses to come to Goodyear. But at the end of the day, it's really up to the actual businesses to want to choose when and where they want to be in Goodyear, because we can hope as you can see, with the Trader Joe's initiative, I mean, we really want Trader Joe's here, we did a lot of marketing, to attract them here. But at the end the day, it wasn't the right time yet for them to come. So we are actively seeking out companies and letting them know about our story, about our demographics, about who we are and where we'd like them to be. But at the end of the day, it's gonna be up to the business and their business decisions when they will actually come to Goodyear.

Host Tammy Vo:

And why are those elements important? You we're talking about demographics, for example, why does that matter to a new prospective business?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Any large business will be looking at your demographics to see what discretionary income would be, how many people that would buy their product would be within a certain radius of that location, and who would be their customers and where they should be to service those customers. So every good business would do their own analysis to make sure that their business can be viable in that community as opposed to a large business that sits there empty or fails immediately. Like you've seen some of the grocery stores in the past. They come and they put grocery stores all over the place, like what was it, Tesco came out, Fresh and Easy came out and put grocery stores everywhere and then they shut down within a couple of years. So it really just depends on the timing and doing their due diligence to where they want to be.

Host Tammy Vo:

I've heard oftentimes people talk about daytime population essentially the amount of people that are in Goodyear working here during daytime hours. What kind of impact in relationship does that have to let's say people who live in Goodyear, and sleep here but commute out to other cities for work during the day, how was it all connected?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

We do need that daytime traffic. And that's where the density and the population growth has been good for the city, because it's been a lot more restaurants and businesses that have looked at Goodyear now, because they see that, hey, we have more people in a certain location that can sustain some of these restaurants or businesses, we can either walk or, or sustain a lunch crowd in a restaurant, for example. So what we're doing up along McDowell with a new city hall, and new corporate headquarters will bring we hope thousands, or a couple thousand jobs that will be there in the area that will also go to lunch at the restaurants around these areas. That's then entice other restaurants to want to come and say, Oh, I can serve lunch and dinner here in Goodyear as opposed to just dinner because everywhere you go for dinner is super packed. So it's important to have also the daytime population here as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

So for the Goodyear city council, live, work and play is really important.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

It is yeah, like a holistic, just encompass the whole person, the citizens. So I'd like them to be able to work here, to raise their kids here to grow old here, and to be able to enjoy living in Goodyear. So bringing some more of those amenities, with our parks, with our recreation activities, education activities. So all those all those aspects and pieces, we'd love to have Goodyear to be the place where you could do it all.

Host Tammy Vo:

If the city does not have a direct connection in bringing businesses out, for example. And it's kind of relying on other factors, then, you know, how can Goodyear residents then ask for the businesses they want? We hear a lot of Trader Joe's, the Whole Foods and all that, how can they go about getting them here?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, so they can reach out themselves to any anyone that they're interested in. We also have a project manager on staff that is looking at retail, and restaurants here in the city. So they can always reach out to our economic development department also. But really being the advocate for your city is huge as well. Showing those companies that may not be looking at Goodyear, that there's actually a lot of customers, potential customers that are there. But I'd say at the end of the day, reaching out yourself to those brands. I know one of my friends, he was from California, and he loved Round Table pizza. So him, I think he was in junior high, he actually wrote a letter to the company, and a bunch of other people did too. And they actually brought the first round table to Arizona.

Host Tammy Vo:

Oh, wow.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

So yeah, so it's doable.

Host Tammy Vo:

So for example, Trader Joe's is one of our top picks from residents. So going on to their website and filling out the form that says, Where do you want the next Trader Joe's? Those kinds of things the companies look at?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, they do. Yeah, I mean, because they want to service you. They want they want to be able to help you enjoy their brands.

Host Tammy Vo:

And you mentioned the retail survey. So our residents fill that out, for example. You're saying that the city actually looks at those results, and then does what?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

So the city will look at the results and see, okay, everybody likes, for example, Trader Joe's or AJs, maybe AJ's, now everybody wants instead of Trader Joe's and so they'll go and then the project, that economic development team will reach out to those users or to that company and say, hey, just so you know, this is our Goodyear story. We have the people that are interested in having you here and we have the demographics, this is our population, this is our discretionary income. And these are the people that we think would be excited to use your use your store, we think it'd be you do really well here. So, so just selling them on Goodyear, and selling them on the residents of Goodyear.

Host Tammy Vo:

I know you talked to some of the businesses when they they come to locate here and then they have a ribbon cutting ceremony, for example. When that happens, and you talk to those owners, what are they talking about in terms of why did they choose to come to Goodyear?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, there's a whole host of reasons but a lot of it is, I mean, just our growth and the potential of our city. And even some of the proven businesses that have done really well here already that they see doing well. That they want a piece of that growth that's happening within the city.

Host Tammy Vo:

From your perspective as we bring businesses to the city what's going to be important for you looking forward on what kind of criteria? What's important to you in a new business?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Restaurants are great. I think those are all high end restaurants and restaurants in general they'll start and continue to come as they learn more about Goodyear and more of them come.

Host Tammy Vo:

Any on the top of your list?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I don't know, I'm pretty easy. I eat a lot of different places but I think Pita Jungle would be fun. I think a high end steakhouse, a Fleming's. I think other nightlife type places with music and live bands would be fun as well. Everything is what I would like here in Goodyear. All different stratosphere from fast food all the way to really high end, I think would be exciting for everybody.

Host Tammy Vo:

I know we have a lot of pride in Goodyear. But do you think it's too much of a stretch to say, when businesses come to Goodyear, they turn to gold in a sense because you drive around here on a Friday and a Saturday night, there are lines out the door to most places, do things inevitably do well in the city?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I think for the most part they do. I mean, any new restaurant especially, I mean, it's going to be packed. And if you have a good product and you serve people well, I think that we'll do fabulous here in Goodyear. I mean, I think we have a lot of people that want to spend their money and want to eat in Goodyear and go out. So I think that's insatiable right now. I think there's lots of opportunities for businesses to come here. And either direct restaurants or, other high end employers, corporate headquarters or other medical uses or other things like that as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

We are now the nation's ninth fastest growing city. It's unbelievable. Have you seen that desire for new restaurants and businesses change in the time that you've been here?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I think the city has always wanted more entertainment, more retail, more restaurants. I think it's greater now, just because there's more people that are banging the drum that they want more of those things. And I think it's more of our time now as well. So we're seeing more of the things that we wanted for many, many years. I mean, I went to high school here too. And I remember people wanting those types of things as well. So more retail, more shopping, we did drive all the way to Arrowhead or drive to West Ridge, or other places still have entertainment, or shopping. And now it's coming closer to Goodyear, which is exciting.

Host Tammy Vo:

I know business attraction for the council is a priority. And as we look to the future, as we continue to grow with this crazy rate, what's going to be really important to you in business attraction?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I think still selling our story that we have a lot of well educated, ready workforce here in Goodyear, that doesn't necessarily need to drive to the East Valley. And that we have plenty of residents that want to work in our community. And they can do all the same exact jobs that the East Valley can do. So I think telling our story, it would be important to to the new businesses that would be coming and that we want to attract here that you could do everything you want to do here in Goodyear, and be very successful at at that as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

Our residents might drive by one of the warehouses or advanced manufacturing buildings in the city and say, What is this about? And why do we need this here? Can you tell us more about how those businesses tie into the greater picture and go to the city?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, so advanced manufacturing and warehouses. I mean, they're naturally located along transportation corridors because they move their goods in and out from that transportation corridor. And what it has done as its broughten more jobs and even higher paying jobs to the area as well. So there's almost a stratosphere of different levels of jobs that I'd like to think within Goodyear, depending on where you are and your skill set, or what you're wanting to learn and how you want to advance yourself, this can be good careers as well. So warehouses, the city, they're all part of our full suite of different jobs, that's just one sector. So we have five different sectors that our economic development focuses on. We also want the medical, we also want the retail, advanced manufacturing, like we mentioned, aerospace was another one as well. We are focusing on those, that's just one portion of our target that we want in Goodyear for different jobs or different employers. So they're just there's very visible because they're very large.

Host Tammy Vo:

So do these large warehouses and businesses that come to Goodyear, do they also bring other benefits in terms of revenue to the city that I might care about as someone who lives in this area?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, they do. So depending on how they're set up, but in the beginning, every business construction jobs are and one time construction sales tax is great for the city. So that helps also with our future roads and our fire stations and all our public service things that the city provides to residents. And then when they're in business, I mean like for example Chewy is a great one because every time you buy Chewy's in Arizona, city of Goodyear gets the sales tax revenue on your bag of dog food that you bought from Chewy. So those are great. The Microsoft data centers they produce so much, they use so much power that they continue to give, they'll continue to give more sales tax throughout the years in large, large quantities as well. So there's definitely ongoing revenue stream from these businesses that will, the whole city will benefit from them as community partners. And there's also side benefits to some of the largest companies want to be involved in the community. So they participate and help our nonprofits, they help with funding for different parks, they do lots of, they want to be involved and be good neighbors, as well. So so those are always good side benefits.

Host Tammy Vo:

And we're talking sometimes about millions of dollars in revenue from some of these companies. And that's passed along to our residents in in the form of what?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

So in services, so that could be more fire public safety, two new squads of police officers that we are putting in a service here as well, our new infrastructure and growth because we are the ninth fastest growing city. So we will always be trying to keep pace with that growth, especially with new roads and streets and water and sewer, trash, all those different services that the city has come to expect. We want to continue that high quality of service and trying to be proactive and try to keep pace with that growth, which it's hard to do with it, how rapid the growth has been. But to be able to provide all of those services to continue to make Goodyear a premier place to live and work and play in the West Valley.

Host Tammy Vo:

Let's talk about apartments. Some people either love them or hate them. Tell me more about the role that apartments play in our city in the bigger picture, especially when we're talking about businesses coming to look to set up shop here.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, so apartments. And I forget the percentage, I think that's only 10% of our population even lives in an apartment right now. So no one really knows what that percentage should be or could be. But right now talking to a economist, we're five years behind, really in our, the growth that's, that's already here. So we have to build 30,000 as a state, 30,000 or Maricopa County. 30,000 dwellings for all the people that are coming to Arizona right now. Goodyear is just one of many cities that are, that are trying to absorb or help the residents find places to live. Goodyear is not going to be able to build every dwelling for all 30,000 people that come every year to Arizona. But it is a mix. And we like a mix of, housing for the community because not everybody can afford a normal single family house. So there is a stratosphere of different housing options that the community wants. And also they can afford, and also that they can maybe grow into or move around as they move up or have different intentions in their careers or whatever that might be. So I think a variety of housing options is really important. And most of these apartments, for example, are not, they're brand new apartments, and the rent is extremely high, probably higher than probably anybody's mortgage right now. So they're not, they're not cheap. They're not people that are, that are low income. They're definitely very high income users that are in these types of apartment complexes in Goodyear and the amenities there are very are very nice compared to maybe apartments that people are used to in other cities where they're more rundown, and they're they're not as well taken care of. So Goodyear still wants to be a place where people think, well, Goodyear is really well run, very nice, high end community. And we demand that from our, from our apartment complexes to be that as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

So if you have a larger population of people living in a smaller area, so like an apartment complex, is that something that a business might look at and say, Hey, I like that. More people. I'm going to Goodyear.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, yeah, exactly. So that's definitely, a lot of our retailers say that as well that they like high densities of people near where they're where their shops are going to be. So having a ready, ready, either employment base or a ready shopper who wants to come use their place or their restaurant or their business is very desirable for them as well. So having people that just walked right in is fantastic for them. And it energizes some communities, for example, off of Cotton as well, I mean, having a multifamily in the parking lot there is already activated and drew more interest for five or six more restaurants and some other boxes that have been talking about going in there as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

What do you love about where we are at right now at this point in time for Goodyear?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

I'm really excited about the opportunities that I see that we're going to have in the future. I think the city is definitely poised for even greater things. I mean, I know we're over 100,000 people now. But I definitely don't see that stopping anytime soon. I think it's still a highly desirable place to live, and a safe community, and someplace that people would want to come and be and live for their whole life. So I definitely think it's a great place. And there's so much excitement around more and more things coming to Goodyear, I think we're only 12, 13% built out as a city also. So there's lots of opportunities and lots of potential for new and exciting, retail, entertainment, recreation opportunities that people can enjoy.

Host Tammy Vo:

Whether you live in Goodyear or not, what would you say to people about being part of the process, being involved in your city? And in speaking out when it comes to things like asking for businesses and restaurants that you want? Because I think we've all been there. I think you could ask any person in any city in this country and say, What would you wish that your our city would have down the street? I think everyone would have an answer. Everyone would have a top three. So what would you say to folks about getting involved in that process?

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, I'd say do it. Get involved, make your voice heard. Let the right people know because if you just tell you and your friend, it might not get to the city that can hopefully go and go and look for those users that you want or you yourself, reach out with your friends, encourage them to come to Goodyear as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

Well, we appreciate your leadership and the leadership of the mayor and council in this area of business attraction, because it's important to our residents. And I think our residents really feel it and appreciate it. So thank you.

Vice Mayor Hampton:

Yeah, it's it's exciting time. I think even small businesses with innovation hub, and bringing new businesses that want to start here is really exciting as well. I used to be a board member for the Arizona Small Business Association. So small businesses and having them incubate and generate here are huge as well. So if people want a restaurant or want a business, they can also option me to start it here and good year as well. So they can be their own solution for the restaurant or the small business retail that they want to see here as well. So, so definitely, that's another great thing to do too.

Host Tammy Vo:

This has been incredibly helpful. Thank you for your time today vice mayor. As you just heard, Goodyear is a thriving community for new businesses to join. Shops, restaurants and entertainment options continue to grow within the city, and residents are voicing their opinions on the types of new businesses they want to see in Goodyear. The city's annual retail survey has been a valuable tool in understanding what residents want and sends a clear message to store and restaurant owners that Goodyear is open for business. A prime example of this is Shooter's World, a family owned and operated shooting range and retail store that encourages responsible firearm ownership through education and training. Results from the 2019 retail survey show that Shooter's World was one of the top requested companies that residents wanted to come to Goodyear and Shooter's World heard them loud and clear. Owner and CFO Lisa Roux joins us to discuss what made Goodyear standout as the perfect location for their new facility. Lisa, thanks for being here with us. It is so nice to meet you in person. And I can't express to you how much our residents have been just so excited about Shooter's World coming to Goodyear. How has it been so far?

Lisa Roux:

It's been absolutely wonderful. We are so honored and just overjoyed by the welcome that we've received in the community.

Host Tammy Vo:

And why Goodyear is my first question for you?

Lisa Roux:

Sure. I think what we like to do as a business is going into areas that are underserved and that are really looking for what we offer. We're very passionate about educating the community. And we felt like this was just a really good place to make our home. So Goodyear is now our headquarters for our company as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

And for our listeners who don't know much about Shooter's World, what is Shooter's World, what do you do there?

Lisa Roux:

We have indoor shooting ranges. So the Goodyear range is not open yet. It's open just for retail right now. But the range will open in the spring. And then we have full gamut of education. So we do children's classes, women's only classes, classes that don't involve firearms. So a defensive mindset class that's really just about situational awareness, and then classes for getting your concealed carry permit. All different sorts of education opportunities. And then we also offer a full range of products as well. So we have firearms, ammunition, accessories.

Host Tammy Vo:

And it's interesting you mentioned the classes for kids and women because there might be some people who maybe they're kids or women or you know, maybe men too who are just not comfortable with this idea, but what do you do there to get folks more comfortable with what you sell and what your product is?

Lisa Roux:

A lot of it really starts with that impression when you walk in the door. So we've tried to really create a comfortable atmosphere. Cleanliness is really important to us, the types of product we offer. So what you see when you walk in the front door, you see apparel, so you see clothing first. Things that everybody is familiar with, that will make them more comfortable when they walk in the building. And then having nice well lit spaces, and modern, updated everything. And the restrooms are always nice and clean, just all those really basic things that you would want to see, especially as a female coming into a business for the first time, because our industry does oftentimes have that perception of Ooh, this is a scary seedy place for me to go. And we're the complete opposite of that.

Host Tammy Vo:

So Lisa, for residents who might come and let's say you're someone who's never fired a weapon before, what what would you say to them? And how do you make them more comfortable even with with certain demographics of people who may not be used to doing that kind of thing?

Lisa Roux:

So that's actually one of the things that really has made me passionate about the business is working with, especially women who come in for the first time and have absolutely no idea what they're doing. I did not grow up around firearms. So I have more recently in my life, about 10 years ago, when I when I got involved in the business, I've gone through that experience, and I know how intimidating and overwhelming it can be. So we as a team, I have a huge female staff as well so I'm split about 50/50 male to female, we really pride ourselves on being able to work with those brand new shooters. It's probably about half of our clientele honestly have never touched a firearm before.

Host Tammy Vo:

And how much of it are people who just want to shoot for fun? How much of it are people who are trying to learn more about self defense tactics?

Lisa Roux:

I think it's a combination for most people, they enjoy doing it, but they're there with a purpose in mind.

Host Tammy Vo:

How many jobs have you brought to Goodyear? And how many more are you looking to add in the future?

Lisa Roux:

We've brought approximately 15 new jobs to Goodyear so far, when the range opens in the spring, we'll add probably another 20 jobs. And then we have two other companies that are kind of peripheral to Shooter's World that we're running out of the new location. So we have an apparel bag accessory company, and then we have a software development company also. So that will bring probably an additional 40 to 50 jobs.

Host Tammy Vo:

Anytime we mentioned the word jobs in Goodyear, a lot of people tend to light up. We have folks who live in Goodyear that unfortunately have to commute out of the city to work. But I think it's really everyone's dream to be able to live, work and play in your own city. What kinds of jobs are you going to have available? What kinds of people are you looking for?

Lisa Roux:

That's a great question. On the software development side, it's going to be people with a heavy background in customer service and development. On the apparel side, we're looking for sewers to come in and sew for us. We're looking for product development teams and we'll also be looking for customer service representatives there as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

So as a business owner, when you're looking to expand your business and where to go, I imagine the business aspect of it is going to be important. Where can we go where we're going to succeed? But what about the community? What about the people? How much of a role does that play and even the city to some extent, how much does that play in your decision to come to a city like Goodyear?

Lisa Roux:

Well, it's huge for us. So as you can imagine, with our industry, there's often a lot of hoops to jump through to be able to build a new facility. And Goodyear from the very beginning has been so willing to work with us and to help us navigate all of those issues or potential issues. And has made it clear that they want us to be here. And so that's been a huge factor.

Host Tammy Vo:

I know you have a location in downtown Phoenix, also in Peoria. Now Goodyear is your third store, why the West Valley?

Lisa Roux:

The West Valley is where my husband and I live. And we're just so passionate about this area and doing everything that we can to contribute to the community and help grow the community as well.

Host Tammy Vo:

The city of Goodyear, as you know, puts out a retail survey every other year, and we asked people in the community, what businesses do you want to see here and we always get such a vibrant response but Shooter's World has been on the list. How do you feel about the fact that you know not only a residence asking for it but was that at all a prompt for you to come to the city of Goodyear?

Lisa Roux:

It definitely got our attention. As a small family owned business, it's really amazing to see a community that you're not serving at the time, come out and ask for you by name, that definitely had an impact for us.

Host Tammy Vo:

And I'm sure when you're deciding to expand your business and open a whole new store, you know, that's an investment on your part. There's also going to be some risks that comes along with that to where you're asking yourself how well are we going to do? Is this the right decision? Is Goodyear the right decision? What would you say to maybe some other business owners who are thinking, ooh do I take that risk, do I set up in Goodyear? What feedback would you have for them in terms of this location?

Lisa Roux:

I think one of the things that makes us successful with it is the fact that we're a unique type of business. So I think if you're somebody who's bringing something different, unique to the marketplace, Goodyear is definitely the place you want to come. I think that's what the residents of Goodyear are looking for as well. They're looking for something different to do. And so I think that really just differentiating yourself is a huge factor.

Host Tammy Vo:

Do you kind of feel that this sort of hunger from the community where they're looking for that new thing, something that going to be a place that they can go that they have not yet experienced with a city that is growing this quickly?

Lisa Roux:

100%, I absolutely believe that. We've had residents come in and just hug us. Thank us. Oh, my goodness, I'm so thankful that you're here. Thank you for opening in Goodyear. And that's not typical from a community.

Host Tammy Vo:

That is awesome. We love to hear that. You also are doing some philanthropic work in the community in Goodyear, what do you have ahead of you and why are you doing it?

Lisa Roux:

Sure. We have some very specific charities that we work very closely with. One of our favorites is Angels on Patrol, which is an organization that was founded by a Phoenix police officer Jackie McConnell, several years ago, and she was encountering situations where she wanted to be able to help the community more. She was meeting people who needed after crisis assistance when she was encountering them in her line of work. So she formulated this organization so that other officers could help people in after crisis situations.

Host Tammy Vo:

Why do you do this sort of work in communities?

Lisa Roux:

We just love the community. We care about the people around us and and you know, like we mentioned before, we're a family owned business and community and family are really critical to us.

Host Tammy Vo:

More than just business.

Lisa Roux:


Host Tammy Vo:

Anything you'd want to say to people who have never been in before and are not sure they want to come in what would you tell them?

Lisa Roux:

I would say just give us a chance. Let us show you that this is a safe, comfortable, warm environment where we welcome anybody and everybody from every demographic.

Host Tammy Vo:

Tell us again where you're located.

Lisa Roux:

Sure. So we have three locations. So 20th Avenue and Indian School in downtown Phoenix, 89th Avenue and Cactus in Peoria. And then our new location is just south of the I 10 at Litchfield.

Host Tammy Vo:

Family owned.

Lisa Roux:

Family owned. Yup, my husband and I are the owners.

Host Tammy Vo:

Who's the boss?

Lisa Roux:

Umm, he knows. He knows.

Host Tammy Vo:

We won't get into it but we are just so pleased to have you in Goodyear and thank you for coming and we look forward to hearing and seeing more from Shooter's World.

Lisa Roux:

Thank you so much.

Host Tammy Vo:

Thank you Lisa and welcome to Goodyear. With continued participation and support from its citizens, the city of Goodyear aims to attract the businesses and amenities that residents truly want. It really is a collaborative effort. And you too can help attract these sought after businesses by doing things like filling out the annual retail survey and communicating directly with the businesses that you want to see come to the city. Until next time, I'm Tammy Vo, thanks for listening. And remember, it's a great time to be in Goodyear.


That concludes this episode of Growing Goodyear. Make sure to leave us a review and subscribe on your favorite streaming or podcast player app. If you have any questions or comments, email us at communications at And don't forget to follow us on the city of Goodyear's social media pages.